Letter: Affordable housing remains a major issue in Craig

After consuming the political garbage our City Council has proposed on Craig’s housing problem, I see their only concern is about the money. And yes, it is about the money. It’s not about the housing, but the outrageous rental prices of them.

Craig is a cow town, and will never grow as large as Denver has. Wake up, people. Tourism is Craig’s money maker. There are no real jobs except the mines and the power plant for now. Craig cannot survive on hunting, river rafting, etc. Well, first of all, there will never be big factories of any kind coming soon — mostly restaurants and small businesses — with the exception of Steamboat’s economy spreading out some to Moffat County.

Craig can have a small ski business here, but no smart investors will see Craig as more than an off-the-path community with high hopes and dreams. The oil and gas has played out, thanks to our socialist government. Craig is a nice retirement community with lots of interests of wildlife, fishing, and peace and quiet, and not far from a bursting community with lots to offer in Steamboat.

But prices are high, and some who are on a budget struggle even though they like the tranquility of living far from the hustle and bustle. So, for those who want to grow and enjoy the things big cities have, Craig is not for you.

But back to the housing, yes, we need affordable housing. It is not all about the well-off, but those who work for the well-off — cooking your fast-food, cleaning your homes, working on your fancy cars and trucks, struggling to make ends meet with dreams of owning a home … or just having tranquility and peace by just being happy with what they can afford and not trying to keep up with the Joneses.

Low income is not just for the poor or disadvantaged. As most well-off would said, “We worked hard for what we got.” Well, how did you live before you got well-off? The same is true with the low income, working hard to achieve a dream by taking care of your needs.

Our seniors are a blessing to us. We learn from them that our country is what they worked hard for, and now they are struggling and looked down on as low income, along with the younger people trying to make it.

Let’s help each other afford a dream to work and have hope for the future. Rich, middle class, poor — it does not matter what you have; you can’t take it with you. It is about who you are when you leave this world. I would rather be poor and die with a good name than well-off and die wondering, “Did I do any good as a human?”

E.C. Day

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