Lance Scranton: Be the third person

Lance Scranton

Looking over the political and cultural landscape the past 5-8 years, one can’t help but notice what is taking place. We are rapidly losing our faith in many of the systems that once gave us confidence that an American Dream was possible.

By many estimates, a majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck with not more than $500 in savings. Hopefully this data is skewed toward the high end, but people are upset and losing trust in basic institutions. Never in the history of our country, observers say, hve our politics been so out of touch with the average American voter and our institutions with the average citizen.

Just look around. People don’t trust churches and faith institutions (atheism and agnosticism are at all time highs, according to Pew researchers). Public schools are under fire (home-schooling is sky-rocketing in many communities, including our own). Local governments are scrambling to find candidates to run for office (the talent pool has dropped precipitously). State government allocates disproportionately for the highest population centers (which are trending progressive without much end in sight).

Rural America and average Americans look around and wonder who is looking out for them. Urban America falls into decay and decadence living off of the promise of a government that has no grasp on balancing budgets or saying no to anyone. Government is the only answer for some and a real problem for others, and a combination of both, for those who can muster up the ability and the energy to study the issues.

So, imagine you walk into that place that you have trusted for years and this place is responsible for keeping your most prized possessions safe. Could be your money, could be your family, could be your way of life, could even be your children. But imagine you walk into this place and there is a big, huge party going on. People are drinking, smoking, dancing around, yelling and screaming, smashing things and spilling food and drinks everywhere. One type of person is going to look around and say to themselves, “What the heck, might as well join in.” Another type of person looks around and says to anyone who will listen, “Let’s get out of this place. These people are dangerous and someone is going to get hurt.”

Most would agree that these are two of the types of people we see around us in many walks of life. People who have decided that the party isn’t gonna last forever and should get while the gettin’ is good. Others are so revolted by the obvious irresponsibility and potentially harmful atmosphere that they are determined not to expose themselves or others to this kind of behavior so they decide to set themselves apart.

But there is a third kind of person who surveys the scene, determines that it’s not in the best interest of their prized possessions and stands up and yells, “STOP.” Maybe not the smartest thing to do because these people are under the influence of greed, avarice, vanity or whatever kool-aid they decided to drink — and look at the person like they are a fool. Is this person stupid? “Look around! This is how it is, take advantage while you can! Get ya’ some!”

This third kind of person knows that if they were to set themself apart, it will make them feel safe for a while but the party will spread and likely continue. Standing up for what is right will likely get this person attacked, ridiculed, lied about or maybe even “canceled.” But this type of person knows that the other two options aren’t going to protect those prized possessions. So, this person speaks up (even though it’s hard), maybe runs for office (even though it eats up a lot of time), serves on a board (even if it’s a little uncomfortable), or just decides that their voice needs to be heard (even if the words are hard to find).

Some might call this person a fool. Others will wonder why they are saying anything at all. Still others will tell them it’s a waste of time. But, this person knows that if not them — who? If not now — when? So many things can be put right again by the collective influence of the third type of person. Be the third person. Be the one who stands up and yells, “STOP.” Be the voice that gives hope and is willing to protect our most prized possessions.

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