From the Editor: Creating community partnerships in Craig, Moffat County

John F. Russell/Craig Press
The Craig Press has been in the midst of transition over the past year. Like many print publications, it is seeking an identity in an ever-changing world flooded by digital information.
This makes it a challenge to get voices heard and stories told amid the shouts and cries of multiple platforms.
Yet, community-driven journalism is vital to steering conversation and keeping citizens informed on the issues that impact daily life in Northwest Colorado. And in order to better connect with our readers, we would like to hear what matters most and what our publication should be doing to improve our coverage.
It is an honor to helm the Craig Press. And it is an assignment I take very seriously.
Providing news and thoughtful analysis of issues that are driving the region during an uncertain time is important. And community journalism is certainly not a one-way street. That is why we are seeking story information and ideas going forward and ask the readers of Moffat County to join us in a collaborative effort to develop a partnership of sorts with the Craig Press.
Publishing a print edition once a week does have its limitations. That is why I would like to emphasize that our news coverage is not limited to the weekly print edition. We are committed to providing fresh coverage on our website, The website includes local and regional stories of interest, some of which will not find their way to print but still are of immense value.
In order to enhance our local coverage, the Craig Press has hired a part-time local reporter, John Camponeschi, a resident of Craig, to report on city government, education issues and other mattters of local interest. We welcome John and look forward to his stories.
Please reach out with story ideas, photographs and opinions. We need you to join in this endeavor at creating a fresh and vital publication for our communities.

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Support Local Journalism
Readers around Craig and Moffat County make the Craig Press’ work possible. Your financial contribution supports our efforts to deliver quality, locally relevant journalism.
Now more than ever, your support is critical to help us keep our community informed about the evolving coronavirus pandemic and the impact it is having locally. Every contribution, however large or small, will make a difference.
Each donation will be used exclusively for the development and creation of increased news coverage.