Pipi’s Pasture: Giving thanks for many blessings
Pipi's Pasture
On Thanksgiving, during a dinner of turkey and all the trimmings, it is a tradition in some families to take turns talking about reasons family members are thankful. In my case, the thankful list is a long one so this column is my attempt to explain why I am so grateful for my life.
At the top of my thankful list is getting to share fifty-five years with my husband Lyle before he passed (actually more years because we were childhood sweethearts) and for all of the memories I have of those years. Besides that, I have two wonderful sons, two daughter-in-laws (who I consider to be daughters), 4 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. All of them are remarkably unique with their own interests and endeavors. They fill my life with such joy.
But there’s even more. I’m also thankful for…
• My brother and two sisters and their families and memories of our childhood ranch that is still in the family.
• Having the privilege to teach hundreds of students, both teens and adults, for some fifty years and counting.
• Remembering the words of Jim Roland, editor of one of the Craig papers, who encouraged me to “just do it” years ago, in writing my first column and other works for publication.
• Everyone at the Craig Press right now who “put up” with my nontechnical skills.
• Getting to” live with” a real live cow named Pipi (as well as others) and the many wonderful experiences she has left me.
• Those years we lived on the Front Range, especially at Severance, where I enjoyed the farming community, particularly the vast corn fields.
• To have grown up leaning about values and being responsible.
• For my health.
• To have been born on Friday the 13th because regardless of how unlucky that date is supposed to be, it has been lucky for me.
• A nice warm house on a cold day.
• All the people — of all ages — who help me on a daily basis, including those who put the groceries in my car, pack my postal packages to the car, clean up the snow around the house so I can get out, help with all kinds of maintenance projects, check on me when there’s a wildfire nearby and so much more.
• The 10 years in the 4-H program, as a youth, that helped shape my life.
• Being able to enjoy the sights through the branches of the crabapple tree, just outside the dining room windows, as I write.
There is so much more for which I’m grateful, and just writing this helps me realize that I have had and have a rich and rewarding life.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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