Letter to the Editor: Mack Lane housing
Letter to the Editor

To everyone concerned about the housing complex proposed on Mack Lane.
Consider the Russell St. affordable housing. As of yet there only 2 units sold. There is possibly many reasons why more have not been purchased.
I believe one of the crucial reasons is one of the regulations placed on purchasing a unit. That being the inability to resell the unit for little or no profit.
Most people buying their first home hope to use that purchase as a stepping stone to move into a larger home. One question would be why purchase a unit when you’re limited on what your return would be?
I agree that for affordable housing you have to have some rules in place. I’m surprised that no realtor would have not mentioned that. So unless the proposed units on Mack Lane ease up on the regulations for purchase people in the area have little need to be concerned.
Just my thought.
Leonard A. Zaragoza

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